The Man - Dick Frenzel

 A more unassuming genius you will not find.

If you thought the blower was an obscure, little known, self contained mystery, it’s nothing compared to the man Dick Frenzel himself.


Denver, Colorado 1949

In today’s world of constant self promotion it’s refreshing to discover a man who just got on with things and let results speak for themselves. So little is known of the man himself that all we can relate are his accomplishments.

In California he was recognized by the Rosetta Timing Association for his achievements with the blower on a bone stock 21 stud flathead. With 6psi of boost at 4200 rpm, top speed immediately jumped from 84.5 mph to 100.04 mph. With no other modifications made to the motor it was an excellent demonstration of the supercharger’s potential.

 As if that wasn’t enough, he also created an OHV conversion for the Flathead & Lincoln motors of the day. These went on to win the famous Pikes Peak hillclimb multiple times. Successes that landed him in the Pikes Peak Hall of Fame. Which is no small feat. Especially considering he worked full time as a Design Engineer and all this was done as a labour of love in his spare time. An approach we completely relate to.